Saturday, May 5, 2012

The judge is considering adjusting Zimmermann George bond

Sanford, Fla (AP) — a judge is considering whether to raise or eliminate the context for George Zimmerman after Dino said the judge raised 200,000 Web site.

Marc O ' Mara told the judge Friday that Zimmerman's family not told him about the money before his client received a $ 150,000 bond.

Florida circuit judge Yigal says he would like to know more about the money before he decides to adjust the bond. Judge to decide about the debt later.

Zimmerman is accused of the murder second degree-the death of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin, who was unarmed and shooting.

Zimmermann claims self-defense. Neighborhood Watch volunteers was charged for more than 6 weeks, leading to demonstrations all over the country.

View the original article here

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