Monday, May 21, 2012

Dying woman's YouTube plea can extend the life

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Female patient suffering from Tampa, Florida, may live longer thanks to YouTube. Darlene Gant has breast cancer 4 stage, she is dying. Do 46 year wants to do everything she can to give her more time with her family. Then she made a desperate plea to the drug company Genentech cancer drug pertuzumab, a her new promises. The problem is not scheduled to pertuzumab, by the FDA until 8 June.

Doctors, friends and relatives of the Gant fired its letters begging Genentech drug release early for "compassionate use". As part of the wish of the Gant she says in the video, "Please, do what you can and get up and insist on cancer research metastatic stage 4." Heartbreaking video of personal Gantt run support and encouragement of the entire school. One person responded, "you go girl! How not to take no for an answer. "So far, a video plea was observed almost 20,000 times Gant, and it seems to have hit a nerve with the drug company.

Genentech agreed to release the medicine early on "compassionate care basis" Gant. In addition, its hospital confirmed the treatment, she was scheduled to start take pertuzumab.


Another story of triumph, ctoai there trying to prove that his disability is ????? compared to its determination by doing something no one has done before. Philippe Croizon, the French endurance athlete, made it his goal to swim through five continents. Croizon said he wanted to "connect the world" by symbolically link the continents, to build a bridge between people. Croizon said he wants to make the world know that we are not very far from the "." he believes that it is important that people understand, "even if we have different political opinions, or skin color, or even with our limited, all life on Earth."

In 1994, Croizon was a change from TV on the roof of his house, was electrocuted. As a result, the limbs had to be amputated. Croizon is equipped with an artificial leg to help alleviate and avoid the flippers and its movement through the water. The total distance between continents is almost 50 miles.

Croizon is not what makes the journey alone. His friend Arnaud will join him as they swim Chassery between Indonesia (Asia), Papua New Guinea in May. The couple then his pace the Red Sea between Jordan (Asia) and Egypt (Africa), the Strait of Gibraltar between Africa and Europe, and then finish the Bering Strait between North America and Asia in August.

44 year-old endurance athlete was known in the past for the English along the Canal. Social media people are AWE-Croizon calls him "courageous" and "."

View the original article here

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