Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Economic growth cooled in the first quarter of the year

By Lucia Mutikani

Washington (Reuters)-cooled economic growth in the first quarter as businesses cut back on investment and shelves restocked at slower, but the rise of the consumer spending more than a year cushioned the blow the biggest.

GDP expanded at an annual rate of 2 percent, the Commerce Department said Friday, the recession than 3 percent of the fourth quarter.

Economists expected an increase slightly, but the defense spending big drop by surprise. Still, growth was stronger than 1.5 percent or less at a rate analysts anticipated early in the quarter.

The growth rate remains too soft to offer comfort, President Barack Obama is asking for a second term, but not enough to change the stance appeared weak-see monetary policy to wait at Federal Reserve System.

"There is nothing happening, it is slow growing and just this and emphasizes that the economy is sound, but nothing more," said Stephen Baffico, General Manager-four tree capital partners in New York.

Government expenses dropped the sixth straight quarter outlining defense fell, the simplicity and the State authorities showed some signs of moving.

The rise in demand for vehicles, which is set to the largest spending since the fourth quarter of 2010, helped offset the drag from the consumers, Government and business, which dropped for the first time since the recession ended.

Another heartening sign, building a home rose the fastest pace since the second quarter of 2010 and, thanks to the unusually warm winter.

Economists said that while growth was weak but the Federation into the rotation of shopping was soft enough to bond to strengthen the Central Bank that interest rates should be kept near zero, at least until the end of 2014.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday expressed comfort with the current policy stance, although he held out the more likely to buy bond if the economy deteriorated.

"This report directly into the hands of those who want to play to keep prices low for a long time," said Joel Naroff, Chief Economist at Naroff Economic Advisors Netherlands, Pennsylvania.

Consumers take up slack

Shares on Wall Street has changed little in the report after earnings-driven rally in recent days. Prices for Treasury debt weakens against the dollar, while the weaker currencies.

Although the details were involved, the better the image suggested GDP report quarter IV when building inventory for almost two-thirds of the economy's growth.

Consumer spending, which makes up 70 percent of u.s. economic activity, increased by 2.9% in the first quarter after rising 1.3 percent in the final three months of last year.

Automakers reported that sales rose by the most in four years during the first quarter.

This part is stored on demand after last year's earthquake and the tsunami left showrooms, bereft of popular models in Japan.

Encourages growth, some in a household may replace old vehicles after tightening their belts during the recession of 2007-2009.

Motor vehicle production contributed to GDP growth percentage points to 1.12 in the first quarter, more than double the previous quarter, and the so-called durable goods such as cars rose 9.5 percent rate.

However, with the market showing signs of fatigue after an average of 246,000 per month employment growth from December to February, consumer spending in the second quarter could soften.

Technology is a bit different this month, a separate report showed. Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan final index on the global bmshibim read consumer inched up from 76.4 mountable chassis in March.

A moderate increase of inventories

Inventories contributed just over half a percentage point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter compared to 1.81 percentage points.

Excluding inventories, GDP rose at a rate of 1.6 percent. The fourth quarter, the figure was only 1.1 percent of their counterparts.

A rise in energy prices, inflation pressures as wide soared even measured GDP growth. Index for personal expenses increased at a rate of 2.4 percent, accelerating from the fourth quarter's 1.2% pace.

The core index, which removes food and energy costs at a rate of 2.1 percent, advanced also deny from 1.3% in the previous quarter.

(Reported by Mutikani Lucia; editing by Neil Stempleman)

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Student loan rate extension by the conservative Club for growth

Pushing back an aggressive White House bbmse, Democrats for Congress to extend a low-interest rate loans subsidized temporary maachnsa, conservative Republican groups are required to kill the Act reducing the interest rate, which will delay interest rate from double to 6.8 percent this year.

The Club for growth and advocacy arm of American heritage, Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank announced last week that the lawmaker who votes of dinged the Bill on their annual Congress ratings. Credit cards issued by these groups are designed to measure conservativism members based on year-round key votes in the Knesset.

"Decades of government intervention has tuition costs driven to these investment records, continue is bad policy," said Club President Chris Chocola in growth. "We urge members of Congress to oppose them."

Congress set up the rate of 3.4 per cent as an interim measure in 2007, and the extension for one year of low rate finance is expected to exceed 3.7 billion. To pay for the extension, the home version of the Bill proposes gutting and fund public health, which was established by the federal health insurance law reform in 2010 and the money to pay a lower interest rate. The White House on Friday threatened to veto the Republican version if it moves to save the sick fund.

Using the car as a health law to pay for the extension, however, Republicans could muddle the conversation off the Knesset law in the future. In fact, Republicans who voted for the Bill using the law as a new Health Foundation vnmazg spend, although they think that expenses never should have been assigned in the first place.

The House is expected to vote on the Bill Friday afternoon.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Dying woman's YouTube plea can extend the life

???"????? on Facebook.com and follow the trend of the/TrendingNow now on Twitter: @ Knowlesitall, @ YahooTrending

Female patient suffering from Tampa, Florida, may live longer thanks to YouTube. Darlene Gant has breast cancer 4 stage, she is dying. Do 46 year wants to do everything she can to give her more time with her family. Then she made a desperate plea to the drug company Genentech cancer drug pertuzumab, a her new promises. The problem is not scheduled to pertuzumab, by the FDA until 8 June.

Doctors, friends and relatives of the Gant fired its letters begging Genentech drug release early for "compassionate use". As part of the wish of the Gant she says in the video, "Please, do what you can and get up and insist on cancer research metastatic stage 4." Heartbreaking video of personal Gantt run support and encouragement of the entire school. One person responded, "you go girl! How not to take no for an answer. "So far, a video plea was observed almost 20,000 times Gant, and it seems to have hit a nerve with the drug company.

Genentech agreed to release the medicine early on "compassionate care basis" Gant. In addition, its hospital confirmed the treatment, she was scheduled to start take pertuzumab.


Another story of triumph, ctoai there trying to prove that his disability is ????? compared to its determination by doing something no one has done before. Philippe Croizon, the French endurance athlete, made it his goal to swim through five continents. Croizon said he wanted to "connect the world" by symbolically link the continents, to build a bridge between people. Croizon said he wants to make the world know that we are not very far from the "." he believes that it is important that people understand, "even if we have different political opinions, or skin color, or even with our limited, all life on Earth."

In 1994, Croizon was a change from TV on the roof of his house, was electrocuted. As a result, the limbs had to be amputated. Croizon is equipped with an artificial leg to help alleviate and avoid the flippers and its movement through the water. The total distance between continents is almost 50 miles.

Croizon is not what makes the journey alone. His friend Arnaud will join him as they swim Chassery between Indonesia (Asia), Papua New Guinea in May. The couple then his pace the Red Sea between Jordan (Asia) and Egypt (Africa), the Strait of Gibraltar between Africa and Europe, and then finish the Bering Strait between North America and Asia in August.

44 year-old endurance athlete was known in the past for the English along the Canal. Social media people are AWE-Croizon calls him "courageous" and "."

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Judge rules against former mistress if Edwards

Greensboro, N.C. (AP) — the federal judge overseeing a criminal case of John Edwards he rejects what it calls "extremely broad" effort to keep evidence from public eye mistress.

The judge denied a suggestion by Katherine Eagles lawyers of Rielle Hunter to limit what the public will be given the option to learn about the battle of the Court showing Hunter and Edwards sex tape. It is not clear what the want of lawyers because their movement became a Hunter of courts records.

Hunter being sued former Edwards call Andrew young and his wife in 2010 over the recording of "personal and private nature." Youngs said she left it in the garbage.

The witness stand since the trial was young. Edwards pleaded not guilty is financing violations of campaign.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

ETF Adviser: Open letter to Facebook and Instagram millionaires

By Steve Beck

PALO ALTO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — The prospect of newly minted Facebook Inc. and Instagram millionaires has the wealth management industry frothing. Here is a word of advice to these nouveau riche:

Dear Young Silicon Valley Millionaire:

Congratulations for your part of a historic and remarkable accomplishment, the creation of technology that has forever changed the world and with it, your life.

At this early juncture, the implications of this shift are hard to grasp, and yet on a personal level, the effects of your new wealth will reverberate into even the most remote corners of your life. That goes double for you lucky employees at Facebook /quotes/zigman/8607696/quotes/nls/fb FB 0.00%  and its newly acquired Instagram. Read more: Facebook should have gone public already.

Can Facebook earnings grow fast enough in coming years to justify the $40 per share price that it's currently trading at in the secondary market? Mark Hulbert joins Markets Hub to discuss. Photo: AFP/Getty Images.

I speak to this coming change with authority, not simply as a wealth manager, but as a successful entrepreneur and founding investor in Chinese Internet search giant Baidu.com Inc. /quotes/zigman/97715/quotes/nls/bidu BIDU +0.90% . I too had to make the journey you now face and offer this simple guidance: Listen to Google Inc. /quotes/zigman/93888/quotes/nls/goog GOOG -0.16%  .

I know that Google is your great competitor, but in 2004 Google did something worthy of your attention. Early that year before Google’s IPO, Senior Vice President Jonathan Rosenberg realized that he was about to spawn thousands of impetuous young millionaires, and feared that they might be preyed upon by the wealth management industry.

After consulting with Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and then-CEO Eric Schmidt, Rosenberg planned a series of in-house investment seminars to educate their soon-to-be wealthy colleagues. In the spirit of the “don’t be evil” Google ethos, management decided to invest in the preparation of their employees for the coming onslaught of Wall Street pros hawking their wares.

Google felt that their staff deserved the best the money management industry had to offer. In turn they brought in Nobel Laureate and Stanford University sage William Sharpe, Princeton economics professor and former dean of the Yale School of Management’s Burton Malkiel, and Vanguard Group founder and white-hat “Saint Jack”, a.k.a. John Bogle.

What did these world-renowned financial minds have to say? A simple truth — active money management isn’t worth your money. Instead, invest in low-cost, diversified index funds and get back to the business of life and to building a world-class company. Over time and after fees and taxes, you will end up with more money and a better life.

Good advice. Standard & Poor’s measures the performance of active managers against their indexed counterparts and has reported that over a five-year period, nine out of 10 actively managed equity funds underperformed their corresponding passive indexes. Add to this management fees, taxes from trading and marketing expenses, and the result is that over a 30-year period an investor has seen as much as 40% of their portfolio growth evaporate. Paying for nothing is one thing, but paying for this abuse is what Google might call evil.

I know the truth — that passive investing after fees and taxes beats active money management — is hard to accept. You’re anxious to leverage your intelligence and abilities to outpace the averages. But take the advice freely offered from Bill, Burt and John. Do yourself a favor and read their books. You know how to code. These guys know how to invest.

/conga/story/misc/market-riders.html 195092 And don’t expect the folks from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, or JPMorgan Chase to agree. As John Bogle once said, “It is amazing how difficult it is for a man to understand something when he is paid a small fortune to not understand it.”

If you want to protect your wealth, you’re going to have to search out this information yourself, listen to independent minds, and be tutored by academic objectivity.

It took courage to put your career behind a contrarian concept. Don’t stop now. Have the courage to take another uncommon path. Learn the facts. Reject the active money management pitch. Diversify across low-cost index funds and exchange-traded funds and stay the course. Do that, and you’ll have more than an IPO to celebrate.

Best, Steve

Steve Beck is the co-founder, with Mitch Tuchman, of MarketRiders, an online investment service for do-it-yourself investors to build and manage low-cost, globally diversified ETF portfolios. Visit the site at www.marketriders.com.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mutual Funds Weekly: Watching the stock detectives

By MarketWatch

Don’t miss these top money and investing features:

The night was dark and stormy, so dark I could barely make out the line items on the company’s quarterly report. I was eyeball-deep into the statement of cash flows when I spied the silhouette of the firm’s key product. Now I’m a numbers guy, but even I can tell when I’m looking at the business end of a business.

Well, stock-market sleuths are no Raymond Chandler, but motivated mutual-fund managers and research analysts do make sharp detectives when it comes to finding out which stocks are in the clear and which could take the fall.

Read about stocks these Wall-Street-wise investors are rounding up. Then see why investors aren’t as bullish as their investment advisers in this current market climate. And be sure to watch an interview with famed emerging-markets investor Jim Rogers about financial markets, China, and the U.S. economy.

Apologies to Chandler, but the simple art of investing can be murder.

— Jonathan Burton , Money & Investing editor

Many stock investors focus on quarterly earnings expectations. But for veteran stock-market detectives, the 10-Q holds more meaningful clues to a company’s health, writes Matt Andrejczak.
Read more: 5 stocks market detectives have locked up

Market-Linked Step-Up Notes promise great returns and protection against loss. These products are also the Stupid Investment of the Week, writes Chuck Jaffe.
Read more: Disconnect from this market-linked security

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

The judge is considering adjusting Zimmermann George bond

Sanford, Fla (AP) — a judge is considering whether to raise or eliminate the context for George Zimmerman after Dino said the judge raised 200,000 Web site.

Marc O ' Mara told the judge Friday that Zimmerman's family not told him about the money before his client received a $ 150,000 bond.

Florida circuit judge Yigal says he would like to know more about the money before he decides to adjust the bond. Judge to decide about the debt later.

Zimmerman is accused of the murder second degree-the death of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin, who was unarmed and shooting.

Zimmermann claims self-defense. Neighborhood Watch volunteers was charged for more than 6 weeks, leading to demonstrations all over the country.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I want to ask Michael j. Fox?

Do you think your liver that aspartame (via Diet Pepsi) had contact with Parkinson 's?

If not, why do you think that this results in neurodegenerative diseases neurotoxin?

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