Friday, April 27, 2012

White House threatens to veto those student loan Bill

Washington (AP)-the White House threatened to veto Friday of Republican Bill keeping interest rates on federal student loans from doubling this summer, Middle cost financing objecting 5.9 billion by abolishing the health program.

GOP leaders came to veto warning hunted for votes of this means that they are trying to push the House. They ran into opposition from conservative groups like the Club for growth, the Republicans oppose legislation was immediately because they said the Government should finance, not for loans.

Clash of choosing between the White House and the Republicans over the law has escalated a dispute to help millions of students into a broader proxy battle over the best way to help families to cope with the weak market and economy sick, how each party addresses women's issues.

Bill GOP legislative treatment program off health law deals with preventive created by President Barack Obama, 10. Picking up on a theme by House Democrats and the White House, said that women in particular benefit "program — a message that reflects the democratic effort to hip women voters by accusing Republicans in gods of war in progress.

"It is a proposal that deserves serious and political motivation is not a problem with the students of America," said the message of the White House. They say Obama advisors call him to veto the Bill.

Republicans call the prevention programme "vnmazg Foundation," says the money is controlled tightly enough.

"The President is so desperate that he is ready to fight counterfeit veto Bill to help students above the vnmazg is advocated cutting its budget. It is just like this: Republicans are working to help students and the President get through today, "said Michael steel, speaker of the House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

Republicans and many Democrats were noted for earlier this year to prevent the health fund managed to help pay to keep politicians and doctors from the dropping reimbursements. Obama's budget in February proposed a cut of 4 billion dollars from it to pay for some of its top priority.

Bill House delay interest rates for subsidized Stafford loans at 3.4 percent, instead of giving them up to 6.8 percent on July 1 without any action of Congress.

Even if the Bill passes House as expected, it seems safe to go anywhere in a Democrat-controlled. Senate Democrats have proposed their own extension, paid with interest lower wages taxes acceleration by the owner to earn high of some private firms. Republicans oppose it.

Friday's vote comes with the Republicans and Democrats, as well as Congress and the Obama-GOP rival next fall some, Mitt Romney, competing at each corner on top with the best prescription to choke the economy struggled. Battle of student loan fits nicely in this theme, with 7.4 million low-and middle-income students and their parents is based on the education Stafford loans card financial success.

The vote even after a day of exploring the Obama campaign style to use in front of the problem and the Republicans as foot draggers-vdhikt. The week started with Romney saying he favored maintaining a low rate loan, notes that it will prevent Obama do it hope to fight the campaign but may have helped the Republican Congress kicks product.

On Thursday, Boehner tried to put the focus on Obama's trip this week three of the College President, jli used in campaign rallies to speak to his student loan effort. Boehner called "College visits and political stunts, frankly, not worth it, of his Office." he said Obama should pay taxpayers to use air force one for the trip.

White House spokesman Jay Carney, says it is defending the trip helped to win over Republican.

"This is the official business. He did it efficiently, "Carney said.

Democrats noted that Republicans have previously questioned the wisdom of maintaining low interest rates students. They also accused the Republicans of reversing themselves, after voting earlier this month for federal budget that loan rates double 2013 Stafford as scheduled.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for a, D-Calif, the emphasis was the GOP's health care cuts in the program whose initiatives include preventive, said breast cancer screening immunizations of children. It is in contrast to that a democratic Bill extending the student rates low by cutting subsidies for oil and gas natural, which is not supported by the party.

Pelosi characterized the Republican view, "" we want big oil subsidy tax, rather than the health of the women of America. " "

Higher interest rates, if in progress, will affect the 7.4 million for the first year, is expected to accompany loans Stafford news from July 1. This year, 8 million students taking out such loans, averaging $3,568, according to the Department of education.

Despite the partisan battle lines, it seems possible some members of both parties and their leadership positions from corruption.

America, a conservative group heritage action, lobbying Republicans oppose the Bill GOP and interest rates rise, says do not enclose other taxpayers. A number of conservative GOP lawmakers said Thursday that decided how to vote.

The Democratic side, party leaders were immediately their rank-and-file to the Republican measure. Some Democrats were eager to vote to keep the student loan rates low, even though it meant getting cuts GOP health.

Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-Va, said some Democrats "might feel like me that they must swallow hard but to swallow these discounts to health." He said he had not decided how to vote.


Associate press writers Jim Kuhnhenn cassata, Donna contributed to this report.

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